terça-feira, dezembro 31, 2013

Brindando um ano que acaba, cheio de idas e voltas, mais longas e mais curtas, erros, enganos e acertos.

Recebendo o ano cheio de expectativas, mais idas e voltas, menos dúvidas, mais erros, mais acertos por engano.

segunda-feira, julho 29, 2013

So, another year ends or another year begins. Choose to see.

What does it say about my birthday that I'm taking a trip down memory lane? Choose songs from the 90's.

What does it say about my past year? Choose clips from movies from the 90's.

Looking back I had a great year, lots of fun, traveling, friends, movies, music, concerts. Easy choices.

Looking forward I'll also have another great year, travelling, tango, friends, remarkable food to eat, great places to see, new things to do. Easy choices.

When do easy choices become no-choices? Does it ever? Does it matter? Especially when you're having fun?

No regrets, great year. I'm guessing it doesn't matter.

Questioning. Maybe it does matter. Maybe I'm one of those annoying constantly dissatisfied people. What's the fun in easy choices? All this fun and easy might kill me.

sábado, março 23, 2013

Slow days, filled with silent sighs. Being away, travelling so much was hard, but lately it's been even harder. I miss doing and have never been so good at being still. The things I could do I don't want to and not having deadlines and urgency brings out the procrastinator and lazy lump in me.

Trying to work through it with physical exhaustion, the way I did when I was younger. Mostly I'd say it's working, but I'm not a teenager anymore. Maybe I just think it's not working so well because I have a kind memory.

Anyways, yeah. *silent sight*.

quarta-feira, fevereiro 06, 2013

So much stuff to say, to write, little disconnected thoughts, about records from 1992/1996 and 2012/2013, about lives changing and keeping still, about music that you can't hear while you work, music that demands that you sit down, pay attention, take a couple of deep breaths and only then hit play. So many of these kinds of songs released lately. Maybe it's because in the midst of everything people are actually taking the time to sit down and listen to music (from vinyl again nevertheless). Maybe it's just me who is breathing and sitting down again.

I remember something breaking inside of me while sitting at work and listening to Nothing' but time last year, on the day it was released.

I remember something mending inside of me while sitting at home and listening to the end of Jubilee Street, also on the day it was released.

Today I ordered my first vinyl in something like 17 years, and I only did it for the book that comes along.

I think about that scene from that movie with all the plaster and the breathing tube while I listen to who sees you. You see, it makes sense to me, even if it doesn't to you, it talks deeply to a part of me and I feel like I might also need a breathing tube.